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Empowering municipal renovation action plans and use of technical assistance

New publication „Enabling local authorities to lead the decarbonisation of existing buildings. Challenges and opportunities for developing building renovation passports in support of public authorities in Central and Eastern Europe“ is available in the PDF:


New project Renocally kicks off to promote capacity building for the implementation and financing of deep renovations to decarbonize the Bulgarian, Romanian, and Slovakian Building Stock.

Renocally, a new project funded by the European Climate Initiative (EUKI) has just  launched. The two-year project will build capacity for municipalities and policymakers in Bulgaria, Romania, and Slovakia to decarbonize the countries’ building stock in a cost-efficient, people-centric way, taking into account legislative changes at EU level.

Enhancing competences in eastern European municipalities’ to reach Fit-for-55 compliance and EU GHG reduction targets

Renocally aims to trigger deep renovation in target municipalities by:

  • Supporting municipalities in implementing Building Renovation Passports;

  • Creating a Master Class on Technical Assistance to support municipalities’ access to financing for renovation;

  • Preparing for the implementation of the upcoming recast EPBD requirements

  • Increasing the target municipalities overall knowledge and skills on building stock decarbonization and deep renovation.


A diverse range of stakeholders will be engaged within the target countries throughout the project’s lifetime. The Renocally consortium will empower municipalities to plan renovation activities, thereby realizing the GHG emission reduction potential of the building sector. Workshops and knowledge sharing webinars will be organised  to sustain the project outcomes and facilitate replication of the results to other governance levels, jurisdictions, and stakeholders.

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A European policy landscape ripe for change
Renocally builds capacity for policymakers to implement EU legislation like Fit-for-55 and the EPBD. The Fit-for-55 package aims to increase ambition and streamline climate mitigation action and renovation through national building renovation plans, which will be integrated into member states’ National Energy and Climate Plans.


The Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD) recast that is anticipated to be adopted in the fall 2023 is also foreseen to entail more ambitious emission reduction objectives and more rigorous measures to achieve them. As a result, member states must intensify their efforts when it comes to deep renovation projects.


This has a direct implication on municipalities  and their climate plans. Policymakers in target countries will be provided additional support to fully unlock the energy saving potential and the many other benefits that deep renovation measures have to offer. Renocally will support Bulgarian, Slovak, and  Romanian policymakers to implement effective building renovation policies aligned with EU policy, while contributing to the 2030 EU GHG reduction target.


Renocally is a collaborative effort between research organisations, think-tanks, and industry professionals at the leading edge of the built environment.


Project partners:

Be on the lookout for updates on the project and join the conversation on decarbonization and deep renovation of eastern Europe’s built stock by following the hashtags: #Renocally and #RenocallyNews on social media (Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook).


The project is part of the European Climate Initiative (EUKI). EUKI is a project financing instrument by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK). The EUKI competition for project ideas is implemented by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. It is the overarching goal of the EUKI to foster climate cooperation within the European Union (EU) in order to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions.

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